
Kaleidoscope – by Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana

The Book-The Author

The book is one of the high scholarly in the genre of poetry works. Dr. Ashok who is one of the versatile poet of the present generation, covered almost all topics in the book. The unique of the book is that many poems translated into various Indian and international languages by leading poets from different parts of the world. Each poem in the book different in writing style that shows best poetry sense of the author. The poems are not only conceptual but also contemporary in nature.


Peace is a treasure that you cultivate in your soul, far from envy, ambition with a desire for love and humane concern. Only if you forgive those who have offended you – done wrong, you know to enjoy what you have, you do the “good and do not look at who”, you can express the beauty of peace that is in your poetic heart…..                         Ms. Cecilia Lamprea de Guzmán, COLOMBIA 

Despite the global situation marked by pandemic and terrorism;- may your voice and your writings continue to carry with conviction and promote your universal message for peace and harmony…..                                                                                         Dr. Guy Crequie, FRANCE

With renewed emotion I read your poetic-messages as diverse in style, but so related in their objective: to fight for peace and harmony at a global level. Receive a loud applause of encouragement and a fraternal embrace…..                           Ms. Liana Friedrich, ARGENTINA

Indeed, your heart has spawned wonderful poems. These are great lessons and messages, full of core spiritualities……                                                                       Ruki Kočan, NETHERLANDS

Your poems on nature/environment are really overwhelming with beauty and wisdom – Let´s together be the agents of change to inspire others with poetry and beauty…..  Tania Belfort, Peace Project, BRAZIL

My best wishes for the realization of your dearest projects, continuity in your commitment to world peace and more wonderful poems to come.

Martine Gilhard, FRANCE 




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