- Afghanistan
- Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
- Albania
- People’s Advocate
- Algeria
- National Human Rights Commission of Algeria
- Angola
- Justice and Rights Ombudsman (Provedor de Justiça e de direitos)
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Argentina
- Public Defender (Defensoría del Pueblo de la Nación Argentina) (Ombudsman)
- Armenia
- Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia
- Australia
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Austria
- Austrian Ombudsman Board
- Azerbaijan
- Human Rights Commissioner
- Bahrain
- National Institution for Human Rights
- Barbados
- Ombudsman
- Bangladesh
- National Human Rights Commission
- Belgium
- Centre for equal opportunities and opposition to racism
- Belize
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Bénin
- Bénin Human Rights Commission
- Bermuda
- Bermuda Ombudsman
- Bolivia
- Public Defender (Defensor del Pueblo)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina (pre-2003 cases)
- Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina (current cases)
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian Parliamentary Ombudsman
- Burkina Faso
- National Human Rights Commission of Burkina Faso
- Cameroon
- National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms
- Canada
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Chad
- Chad National Human Rights Commission
- Colombia
- Ombudsman’s Office of Colombia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- National Human Rights Observatory (DR Congo)
- Republic of the Congo
- National Human Rights Commission (Republic of the Congo)
- Costa Rica
- Defender of the Inhabitants (Defensoria de los Habitantes)
- Croatia
- Office of the Croatian Ombudsman
- Cyprus
- National Institute for the Protection of Human Rights
- Czech Republic
- Public Defender of Rights (Czech Republic)
- Denmark
- Danish Institute for Human Rights
- Ecuador
- Defensoría del Pueblo del Ecuador
- Egypt
- National Council for Human Rights
- El Salvador
- Human Rights Procurator (Procuraduría de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos)
- Ethiopia
- Ethiopian Human Rights Commission
- Fiji
- Fiji Human Rights Commission
- Finland
- Parliamentary Ombudsman
- France
- Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme
- Gabon
- National Human Rights Commission
- Georgia
- Office of Public Defender of Georgia
- Germany
- German Institute for Human Rights (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte)
- Ghana
- Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice CHRAJ
- Great Britain (UK)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) – see also Scotland
- Greece
- National Human Rights Commission (Εθνική Επιτροπή για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου)
- Guatemala
- Procurator for Human Rights (Procurador de los Derechos Humanos)
- Guyana
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Haiti
- Office de la Protection du Citoyen
- Honduras
- National Human Rights Commissioner (Comisionado Nacional de Derechos Humanos)
- Hong Kong
- Equal Opportunities Commission (Hong Kong)
- Hungary
- Parliamentary Commissioner on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities (Hungary)
- India
- National Human Rights Commission (India)
- Indonesia
- National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM)
- Iran
- Defenders of Human Rights Center
- Islamic Human Rights Commission
- Ireland
- Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
- Italy
- Commissione per i Diritti Umani
- Jamaica
- Office of the Public Defender (Jamaica)
- Jordan
- National Centre for Human Rights (Jordan)
- Kazakhstan
- Commissioner for Human Rights
- Kenya
- Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR)
- Korea, Republic of
- National Human Rights Commission of Korea
- Kosovo (Under United Nations Administration via UN Resolution 1244)
- Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo
- Kyrgyzstan
- Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Latvia
- Rights’ Defender
- Lithuania
- The Seimas Ombudsmen
- Luxembourg
- Consultative Commission of Human Rights (Luxembourg)
- Macedonia
- Human Rights Ombudsman of Macedonia
- Madagascar
- National Human Rights Commission (Madagascar)
- Malawi
- Malawi Human Rights Commission
- Malaysia
- Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
- Maldives
- Human Rights Commission of the Maldives
- Mali
- Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (Mali)
- Mauritania
- Commissariat aux Droits de l’Homme, a la Lutte contre la Pauvreté et l’Insertion (Mauritania)
- Mauritius
- National Human Rights Commission (Mauritius)
- Mexico
- National Human Rights Commission (Mexico)
- Moldova
- Centre for Human Rights of Moldova
- Mongolia
- National Human Rights Commission (Mongolia)
- Montenegro
- Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Montenegro
- Morocco
- National Human Rights Council
- Myanmar (Burma)
- Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
- Namibia
- Office of the Ombudsman (Namibia)
- Nepal
- National Human Rights Commission (Nepal)
- Netherlands
- Equal Treatment Commission (Netherlands)
- New Zealand
- Human Rights Commission (HRC)
- Nicaragua
- Human Rights Procurator (Procuraduría para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos)
- Niger
- Nigerien National Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties
- Nigeria
- National Human Rights Commission (Nigeria)
- Northern Ireland (UK)
- Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC)
- Norway
- Norwegian National Human Rights Institution
- Palestine
- Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen’s Rights
- Pakistan
- National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan
- Panama
- Defensoría del Pueblo de la República de Panamá
- Paraguay
- Defensoría del Pueblo de la República del Paraguay
- Peru
- Public Defender (Defensoría del Pueblo)
- Philippines
- Commission on Human Rights (Philippines)
- Poland
- Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection (ombudsman)
- Portugal
- Provedor de Justiça
- Puerto Rico
- Oficina del Procurador del Ciudadano
- Qatar
- National Committee for Human Rights (Qatar)
- Romania
- Ombudsman (Avocatul Poporului)
- Russia
- Commissioner on Human Rights in the Russian Federation
- Rwanda
- National Commission for Human Rights (Rwanda)
- Saint Lucia
- Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner (St Lucia)
- Samoa
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Scotland (UK)
- Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) – see also Great Britain
- Senegal
- Senegalese Committee for Human Rights
- Serbia
- Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia
- Sierra Leone
- Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone
- Slovakia
- Slovak National Centre for Human Rights
- Slovenia
- Human Rights Ombudsman (Slovenia)
- South Africa
- South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC)
- Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (CRL Rights Commission)
- Commission for Gender Equality (CGE)
- Public Protector
- Spain
- Defensor del Pueblo (Ombudsman)
- Sri Lanka
- National Human Rights Commission (Sri Lanka)
- Sudan
- Southern Sudan Human Rights Commission
- Sweden
- Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO)
- Children’s Ombudsman (Sweden) (BO)
- Discrimination Ombudsman (Sweden) (DO)
- Switzerland
- Federal Commission against Racism (Switzerland)
- Tanzania
- Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (Tanzania)
- Thailand
- National Human Rights Commission (Thailand)
- Timor Leste
- Office of the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice (Timor Leste)
- Togo
- National Human Rights Commission (Togo)
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Office of the Ombudsman of Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia
- Higher Committee on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Tunisia)
- Uganda
- Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC)
- Ukraine
- Commissioner for Human Rights
- United Kingdom
- see Great Britain; Northern Ireland; Scotland
- United States
- United States Commission on Civil Rights
- Uzbekistan
- Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman)
- Venezuela
- Defensoría del Pueblo (Venezuela)
- Zambia
- Permanent Human Rights Commission (Zambia)
Regional groupings[edit]
- International Ombudsman Institute
- Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI)
- Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF)
- European Group of National Human Rights Institutions
- Network of National Institutions in the Americas
Sub-national human rights institutions[edit]
- Australia
- Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales
- Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
- Equal Opportunity Commission (South Australia)
- Equal Opportunity Commission (Western Australia)
- Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland
- Office of Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (Tasmania)
- Human Rights Commission (Australian Capital Territory)
- Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission
- United Kingdom
- The three UK bodies (Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Scotland) are listed above as they are each recognised as NHRIs.
- Spain
- Catalonia: Síndic de Greuges (Ombudsman)
- South Korea